Online Dating
SO my roomate joined J-date which means no computer for me. I am actually happy for her. The whole online dating thing doesn't seem that bad. Not that I ever thought it was bad. I just never thought very highly of it. The only impression I have ever had of it was from my friend who went on a crazy dating frenzy after he and his girlfriend of years broke up. That is sort of where my roomate is now. She is freshly out of a two year plus relationship and she has some major spunk. Spunk meaning she needs some male attention maybe a date or two with hot med students. I hope that she finds Mr. spunky guy who is looking for some one like her. It's exciting to be IMed by a hot med student or potential lawyer who wants to know more about you.
I too just ended a long term relationship and think I would try the online dating thing. If nothing else, it is good networking. Living in the East Village I meet many trendy New Yorkers, mostly artists, to converse with. But, thats not really me. I think it would be fun and educational for all to meet other New Yorkers stuck in the same neighborhood slump.
My roomate made another good point. She said that it is perfect of people who have the time, but not the energy to go out to a bar searching for good company. And bars don't always have good company. With a job, internship, school and an overall passion for life, finding better company than my friends doesn't seem to plausible right now. Maybe I'm getting old or becoming more open-minded. But, she might be one to something here. To bad I'm not Jewish.