Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Inhumane temperatures

I need to go to the gym, the bank, and to my old college campus and it is to cold to move. Two windows in my apartment feel off their tracks and my land lord just had surgery. Which mean, no matter how many complaints I make, it is not his top priority. Which is understandable, but I am gosh darn freezing up here.

I just got back inside from walking the puppy dog. I wish they made hot tea for puppies. I feel so bad for the fifteen pound pile of poo. He was shaking in the cruel clothing that he has to wear in order to maintain a healthy level of body heat. Oh well, enough complaining about the cold. To all those who feel my pain, keep warm.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Photo Mania

As of late, I have formed a small obsession with photography. Therefore, my writing has fallen a tid bit behind. I will be back to my writing as soon as my one tracked mind allows me to think in some other art form than angles, textures, and colors. Till then check out my buzznet acount to see all of my confessions.