Wednesday, March 22, 2006

LA and here to stay least for the next 6 months.

I have now been in the City of Angels for for 5 days. I have sat in traffic. Eatten sunday afternoon waffles at The Griddle. Went out for Taco Tuesdays at Shakey's in Manhattan beach.

I have also gotten lost on foot and in the car. I am mildly stubborn and continue to walk to the stores and coffee shops near where I am staying. Most LA natives would drive the half a block. But my NYC metabolism can't fathom why you would leave a parking space to drive 30 feet, fight for parking, buy what you need then, go home and have to park again. So I walk. I now have a faint sunburn on my face from my morning coffee and afternoon jog.

Yesterday I went to Sony studios and meet my new co-workers. They seem nice enough. I had never been ot a real studio before. In New York, we mostly set up shop in old warehouses that had been gutted to make room for sets. But Sony has its own parking garage, coffee shop, gift store, gym.... I couldn't even believe that this little town square was a part of the studio.

The strangest studio moment was when Rob Schnieder drove by me and my co-workers and greeted us as if we knew him. We keep walking not really thinking much about it. Moments later... one of us interupted our silly conversation and was like... that was the "we can do it guy right..?"

How random? Tommorow I go back to Sony for my first day of work.

Overall I give LA the OK. I just don't know enough people here to be completely comfortable. There is something to be said of being an outsider. Leaving a city that you knew in your sleep and transplanting yourself in a foriegn culture, makes you feel akward in your once confident skin.

Friday, March 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by feliciawill.
Did I do that? Grawgy in the early morning hours I drive into the sun and turn onto 66. Three lanes of traffic fly rapidly in my direction and I can only turn... no where.
A break in the curb and I pull over wedging myself on the sidewalk with my right wheels still on the highway. That left a bit of a mark...

Arizona's tallest peak

Arizona's tallest peak
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.
This mountian can be seen from over 50 miles in any direction. It is is northern Arizona near Flagstaff, but as you drive toward it, it never seems distant just more and more overpowering

Arizonia rt 180

Arizonia rt 180
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Grand Canyon
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Grand Canyon
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Feeding Ostriches

Feeding Ostriches
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.
Vicious birds that seems misplaced in the desert of New Mexico. At a petrified wood store, these birds were cooped up and feed by tourist.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Scenes from route 66

Scenes from route 66
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Scenes from route 66
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Scenes from route 66
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Scenes from route 66
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Scenes from route 66
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Driving west into the daylight

And running from the full moon in the rear view window. In the middle of America if you drive straight west you find that the sun doesn't set but the moon slowly rises behind you.

Texas Sunset

Texas Sunset
Originally uploaded by feliciawill.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Road Trip


Hitting the new route 66!

Soon to come: Pictures and notes from the Middlelands and beyond

Friday, March 10, 2006

I'm really leaving the city that never sleeps

Painting and packing... I'm covered in blotches of white. My hair, my hands, my legs. I knew I was leaving but it is never as real as a freshly coated white walls. My winter clothes sit in trash bags waiting to be sent to storage. Piles of books and papers wait to be sorted.

My going away party is tonight and I'm making progress but still dragging my feet. I don't know if I will ever be completely ready to leave the city behind. But sometimes you need to take a chance that something bigger and brighter lies ahead.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Look at the pic that fun_woman took of me on set of Pride and Glory. It was about 15 degrees but felt like the artic. We were working on a big football scene out in Coney Island in the dead of night. I think when this picture was taken I trying to distract the background from the but-knumbing cold while the camera changed positions.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Russian Baths

I noticed that Visa Mastercard has updated there old marketing campaign. A costumization of sorts. The old commercials were heartwarming, quirky, or mundane like life. But now they visually challenge you to fill in you own blanks. Here is my most recent and memorable

Designer bathing suit: $140

Spa towel: $20

Subway downtown: $2

Hanging out in a tavern of brutal heat and getting slapped with bamboo sticks in the company of Colin Farell, Shea Whigham, and Noah Emmerich:


I challenge you to post your own blanks (blank cost blank but no amount of money could ever equal blank....) to the comment section.