Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Stuck in Corners

I hate painting corners. I spent hours painting a display cabinet at my father's best friend’s house and now matter how careful I was, I could never get the corners quite right. I switched from the big brush to the small and with the slightest slip of my hand I was streak white across the vibrant orange back drop. I tried painting lefty and righty, standing on a chair, and hunching over sideways but I couldn't quite tackle the corners. I needed painter’s tape, the thick paper thin security blanket, to save myself from the angles that I deemed impossible. But, there wasn't any to be found. How can you reach painting perfection without tape? You are going to have to stop, take your time, go over spots that you thought were finished, and ultimately get frustrated because things aren't going the way you plan.

Sometimes you feel like a golden god who could paint the tightest of corners. Sometimes you want to throw the brush across the room jump up and down cursing bloody murder. But, like any time consuming skill or trade, the effort is always worth it. When I finished painting the cabinet, I just moved on to the next thing that had to be done. I just kept painting till I was tired and lost all ambition to continue. And when this time came, I saw my work. I saw layers of patience and time, passion and achievement. Despite my fleeting anger and momentary frustrations, everything looked completed and well managed. No one is going to notice the minor imperfections. And if they do, what do I care? They didn’t take the time to paint it. They weren’t the one’s who ruined their favorite jeans or found paint in their hair two days later. I am playing the game of life with out a security blanket and honestly, just like my paint job, I don’t think I am doing all that bad.


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