Thursday, July 22, 2004

Bush Appeal Since Fahrenheit

  'Fahrenheit 9 / 11' MakingGOP Nervous'  I read this article from the AP and it confirmed what I have been thinking about the film.
  I saw the new Micheal Moore film a month ago and thought it was very informative. Although I knew a few of the connections that Moore made in the film, the pictures really cleared the information up in my head. There is something about the visual art of film that makes information seem more real. If it was caught on camera, the actions were live. When you watch the actions of live human beings, the news or moral ceases to be words on a page. That's why film recreations of books are so common (Lord of the Rings;Harry Potter) these days. People love to watch, not read. And if they have read, they love to watch the differences and complain about how much was cut out and why the book is better.
  This film, maybe twenty minutes to long, does make the president out to be a baffoon. He was on vacation for how long? Why did he just sit there in a class room in Florida when the towers where burning here in New York? I never have been a "fan" of Bush. With the economy going the shit, I was planning on voting for Kerry regardless of who he picked to be his Vice President (John Edwards, John and John in office, how American), what he says about the "War on Terror".  The question is... why did we elect Bush in th first place... Oh yeah, he was the better choice of two lame candidates. I hope that the outcome of this next election isn't as heartwrenching as the last.       


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