Thursday, July 22, 2004


You know your a coffee addict if... I don't think I actually grind coffee beans in my mouth or sleep with my eyes open... but I do think I am addicted.

The first sip happens when you battling stress and depression. If you're caffeine dependent answer the following questions and  evaluate the addiction status:

Do you consume more than two cups of coffee, tea or cola or chocolate in a day?
Do you feel fatigued on and off during the day?
Do you go through massive  emotional mood swings during the day?
Do you suffer from frequent headaches?
Do you suffer from constipation or are you dependent on tea or coffee in the morning for clearing your bowels?
Do you suffer from acidity or heartburn?
Do you feel a generalized pain in the neck, shoulders and back region and a sensation of discomfort in the legs, hands and stomach?
Do you suffer from a burning sensation, fatigue and heaviness in the eyes?
If you are a woman do you suffer from premenstrual syndromes?
Do you have difficulty in going to sleep?
Do you wake up in the morning feeling dead tired?
Are you easily irritable?
Do you suffer from irregular or rapid heartbeats?
Do you often feel dizzy?
Do you have high blood pressure problems apart from anxiety problems?
Do you have ulcers?
Do you have problems concentrating without your regular cup of coffee?
Do your hands tremor?
Do you feel dehydrated?
  If you have answered  five to six of the questions with an 'yes' caffeine is part of your daily system, reduction or removal of products laced with caffeine from your diet will improve your health considerably.  If you have answered seven to eight  of the questions in the affirmative, you are a caffeine addict, and need to reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Before caffeine causes any nutritional imbalance or disorder try and be conscious about  what you eat and drink. If 10 to 12 of the questions have a positive answer, its time to sit up and listen to your body signals. Caffeine can cause serious damage to your health. Wean yourself of the habit slowly and steadily, preferably with the help o fhe dietician. Remember this is just a self help questionnaire and not a professional diagnosis sheet. Incase of alarming results it is advisable to contact the  family doctor.

13..... I answered yes to 13. I blame my addiction on living in Manhattan. Starbuck is not just a coffee shop, its a food store. With the calories I get in a frappachino, I might as well be eating a meal. But there is something about coffee that i just can't kick. It's my gateway drug. First coffee then cigerettes and alchohol.  I have quit smoking and cut back on the booze, which I think has made me lean heavier toward the coffee persuasion. Yesterday, I woke up hungover after drinking three cups of coffee before bed.
  Like many other drugs, first you don't like the taste, then you grow to savor it, even become a snot about the quality. You are willing to pay more for batter quality and a bigger buzz. But the truth is... you will never get the first buzz back, the one that made you realize how amazing coffee can be (especially on those 25 page term paper due the next day all-nighters). Regardless, I'm thirsty and I have to be alert and attentive for work in about forty minutes. So it looks like it will be another ice coffee skim milk no sugar morning for me.  


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