Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Film-Napolean Dynomite

Hilarious. I must say. For a movie about nothing, It really made me laugh. Actually, the movie is about living and going to school in the Idaho. Napolean, who dominates the other characters with his bland personality and relative height, lives with his grandmother and his brother kip. They have a llama as a pet. Kip still lives at home at the age of 3o something and spends all day online talking to his on-line girlfriend. I don't want to give to much away but the whole conflict of the movie starts when their grandmother has a bit of an accident. It is brillant. I think what I liked most about the film is that all of the actions were so idle or exagherated. One minute you were watching a close up of Napolean breathing in-and-out in his own akward way and the next he was dancing in his bedroom to a VCR tape. The actions totally make up for the lack of action. The movie is filmed in a way that conveys what I would imagine it to be like living in Idaho. Usually there is nothing to see, but when there is.... you can't help but hold on to that moment until the next interesting thing comes by.  So you will either love the movie or hate it. I know many a people who walked out. But on my list, the movie scores major points.  Here's what some other people have to say:


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