Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Beaded Leather Shoes

Along with me mom and pop shop pact.... I made a pact to myself to not where flip flops in the city. This has been quite a difficult effort to maintain considering I used to walk around barefoot all day as a kid. When I did finally adapt to shoes, I never wore sneakers (except for a pair of purple Vans I had in 7th to eighth grade that I ran into the ground) and would frequently be caught in flip flops when there was snow on the ground. So what made me change? I came home one day and sat on my bed, flicked off my flops, and my white sheets grayed instantly from the city soot that was caking my feet. GROSS! So in May I bought pair of mesh-converse like slip ons and a dull pink pair of slip on shoes at Urban. I did well... I must say for a while I wore nothing but those shoes and the occasional sneaker but, lately I have been slipping. It's so hot and I am to lazy to wear anything but the flips... Last week I was walking home from the Vet. on 9th street (between 1st and second ave) and I saw those pretty Indian shoes with the colors and the beads. I'm not talking the mesh one's that you can buy on the corner for five-dolla' (which actually have the same dirty effect as flip-flops) but the real deal. Handmade leather. I bought a pair and I'm in love. I'm going to wear this bad mamma-jammas into the ground I can feel it.  The ground under my feet pulsates as I walk... I feel almost bare foot but without the contamination. Plus, I get lots of compliments. The green and gold shiny shoes are beautiful. Bliss for 30 dollars!     


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