Saturday, August 28, 2004

Common Grammer mistakes

Today as we were wrapping up our weekly update, my dad said something that needs to be addressed. He mentioned that he reads my posts for time to time. This made me proud of the work I have been doing, of how much I pump out my life stories and donate them to the written word. My dad has always said that I have a way with words. A way of "really pulling you into the story" that I am writing.

But today, he was concerned about the lack of editing in my writing. He said that sometimes he will be reading a post, feel involved, and then get ejected via a basic grammar mistake. Someone and anybody is one word not two. Too means also or as well. Often, I will use a word twice in one sentence. Before I went to the store before.

I am aware of these mistakes. I don't promote them and I know that I frequently make common grammar mistakes. But, I don't always have the time to edit. I would much rather post and get my ideas out there. Then on a day when I am consumed with writers block, I can go back to old posts and adjust.

It is hard to edit your own writing. Like my dad said, "you are always three words ahead of what is actually written on the page." Because you wrote it, you think you know the words that are there but, obviously the proper approach to editing.

I just thought I would throw this commentary out there. I write for myself, for practice. I hope that people read my writing and take with them the nuggets of human experience that I post. But, I do make mistakes. My posts are unedited. If I were to pass in my weblog for a class, I would definitely have to pull out my MLA handbook and do some serious copy editing.


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