Monday, December 06, 2004

Avenue Q

By far the funniest musical ever!! But with that I must make you aware that the content is incredibly racy. Case in point: one of the many hilarious song is called Every One's a Little Bit Racist. Upon hearing the song, I realize is a societal truth that is always on the surface but never openly discussed. That was part of the wonder of this play. It took parts of New York life that seem obvious, but are not always, and poked fun at them. I would recommend that any one with a sense of humor (who doesn't mind brief puppet porn) go to see this show.

Avenue Q is cleverly written and executed. The combination of people and puppets on stage was not only funny but allowed a cartoon like humor to very person-al problems. I couldn't stop smiling. But then again, I am a huge Muppet fan, so I could be partial. Actually, I take that back. I think that no matter what your opinion of puppets, the show is definately worth seeing.


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