Wednesday, November 17, 2004

To cold to pack

"Sorry. I dropped the phone. It was either my phone or my pants and I chose the phone. " I was talking to Nick, my friend in the Navy who a month ago I decided to go on a cruise with. His parents invited me to go with 31 other people in their family to chum around with Nick and keep him company. I have known Nick for almost 8 years, which makes him one of my oldest friends. Every time he is home on leave, we stay up till two in two morning playing poker with his parents or opt for a new and exciting adventure. Last Christmas, we skipped festivities and went skiing. Then, he joined me and the fam for dinner. He is the kind of friend that has history and no matter where we are in life, no matter how much we change, he will always be the same fun loving kid who stole parking meters and broke into the track shed to smoke cigars in high school.

"Ordinary I wouldn't care about the pants but it is sub zero in here. Apparently the windows were open from the top for like two weeks. I couldn't figure out why it was so cold in here. When my dad came in this weekend to pick up the cat, he almost ringed my neck for living like this ice box. Any way, the place hasn't quite warmed up yet."

Trying on all of my room mates dresses, figuring out which ones to pack and if they matched my shoes, I couldn’t believe that in two days I would be flying down to Florida (through Dallas, as if Dallas were the natural lay over for the three hour flight to Jacksonville). Isn't life rough? Though I will also be packing a bag full of homework. I leave two weeks before I graduate and I have a fifteen-page paper due the day I get back. But, I have always said that it is better to do homework while basking in the sun. Hopefully, I can stay sober enough to remember what I read.


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