Not so Sweet
My favorite and most accessible coffee and pastry shop is closing for a month. Something Sweet on the corner of 1st Ave and 11th Street will be closed from August 9th through September 8th. How am I going to get my morning fix? I certainly will not stop at Vinnero's (which is right next door). I have grown a fondness toward my mom and pop coffee shop. When I first moved into the area, I made a point out of stopping at this small corner store instead of the tourist infested Vinnero's. Not that I don't love the "world famous" cheese cake. I am personally a huge fan of the individual size with the fresh black berries on top. But, I always see this small plump Italian grandmother hobbling around this corner store. I have so much admiration for this woman who is far past retirement, speaks broken English, and works a longer work day than I do.
I made up my own story about her to justify her hard work. My theory is that her and her husband opened this shop a long time ago. She worked there with him and there was some thing so great about this now blaze shop that the two of them created. It was an atmosphere of hope and acceptance. Every day when I get my coffee, I am greeted with a warm hello, some chat about the weather, and a goodbye that isn't quite complete, because they know I will be back again the next day to repeat the same routine.
About a month ago, I was having a horrible day. I was on the verge of tears as I walked around on a cold rainy morning. Why I was so upset, I can't quite recall. I think it had something to do with a guy. Anyway, a middle aged man with a loud penetrating voice who is always there in the mornings till 11ish (when the old woman comes) gave me what he called his "medicine" also known as a chocolate truffle button. I don't like chocolate. I never have, in fact I think I might even hate it. But I walked to the bank drinking my coffee and eating this sugary ball of fudge, and I did feel better. Not that this small cookie had any medicinal powers, but knowing that this stranger that I see every day actually cares enough about my day that he wanted to try to make it better, meant something. It warmed me up and made me feel better.
I'm sure there is much more justice I could do to this little store. It is a central part of my morning routine and I look forward to knowing that I will start my day of if not smiling, at least content. I fear the month ahead. I don't want to find another coffee shop. But, I am happy that this little Italian grandmother will finally have a few days of rest.
that's very sweet of you to think of the lady at the bakery. i was running past that shop today and remembered that you mentioned it was a cool place. then i came upon veniero's and it seemed like they are trying to take over the entire block. funny that you describe the area as the italian pastry section of the city. i am equally disappointed b/c they've closed sticky fingers bakery - they had one of the best rice krispy treats in town. and my backup - taylor's on 2nd ave - has recently been converted to a foosball place?!
i hope you find a good cup of coffee to light-up your morning. rest assured, that lady will be back soon and the start of your days will be better than ever...
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